Wednesday, August 06, 2008

NetAudioAds-Believe it! It’s here, and it’s Awesome

(Las Vegas, NV - August 5, 2008) Let me begin by saying- I am a National Network investigative reporter who has the assignment of writing about the future today.

Who, What, Why, Where and When-

First the Who- A creative group, who believe in a dynamic Internet audio acceptance.

What- Advertising or personal messages to anyone on the web.

Why -Why not. People love to receive audio messages and the global market is all ears.

Where-, The World Wide Web.

When-, Now, a BPA audited network reaching over 25 million unique visitors daily.

Let’s add How-Mans quest for Greatness. If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it, you can achieve it.
..and they did!

NetAudioAds enable businesses, and the public internet users to place a voice message or image jingle to who ever they want. Vocie2Page Communications focus groups tested the acceptability of a short 5-8 second dynamic audio message. Was it interruptive to the internet visitor, be it a web-site, blog, Ebay customer or just a simple advertising message at web-site launch? The answer was No.

In fact a good number of the focus group study actually welcomed the message. We all know the world of advertising can be over bearing. TV, radio, spam, it can be very irritating. Not this concept. It’s kind of like your own butler saying- “Good Morning Mr. Bond, have a good day, you deserve it, here’s your morning coffee.” Imagine how it can be used for public service announcements as well.

NetAudioAds and personal voice over messaging can make it fit. These short ad messages called ‘Adlets’ can be placed by major corporations on the NetAudioAds op-in network to reach a specific area of the world, a demographic group, City, State, Country, anywhere, and anytime. The demo numbers are huge, reaching 100’s of millions and growing everyday. The user simply can pick up their cell phone and record a message, or load a jingle into the magical system and program it to play to the targeted group. There is no message loss with NetAudioAds, and key word response can be fine tune in minutes which can not be done with other mass media, it is quick and effective.

Current estimates show NetAudioAds generate almost 30% of the daily ad-traffic that Google produces with their online ad network. Numbers are growing every 24 hours, enabling over 20 million audio spots or voice messages heard. Experts in the ad industry have proclaimed this a winner. NetAudioAds are here and the future growth potential is as large as the World Wide Web. Get Ready, here it comes, at the speed of Fiber Optics- WITH NO LIMITS..

Author: Bill Bundy – Free Lance Reporter; CNN, MN News Network, Media Scope


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