Do you have any idea why NetAudioAds would be more effective?
Q: Do you have any idea why NetAudioAds would be a 100 times more effective than traditional pay-per-click advertising?
NetAudioAds has the simplest of all rules of engagement, because listeners have to take an action that requires thought, something that is not normal, it requires a well thought out action and when listeners have exerted that much attention to online audio advertisements they then give the advertised content the attention it deserves.
All advertisers thrive on is capturing the attention of prospects; NetAudioAds by design does that immediately when a visitor hits a site. Even better, the listener is exposed to an immediate impression upon visiting any participating websites.
NetAudioAds do not compete for attention with other website text-based content and hypertext links. NetAudioAds load and play so fast, that most visitors have already heard audio ads before they have had a chance to read any content on a webpage.
Whenever online prospects are physically told to take an action verse reading, these prospects have a greater tendency to react. For example: “Press any key to visit our site!” And, whenever a listener takes the action of manually pressing a key on their keyboard, whether they know it or not they have bought into the customer connection process, which makes NetAudioAds so powerful.
So, when you start seeing your online sales flying off the charts… I would bet money that you would be blown away, with sales conversion rates that are unheard of in any other kind of online advertising campaign.
The facts clearly spell out the advantages of advertising with online audio, and NetAudioAds is the clear leader in the Internet Audio Advertising industry. I would clearly recommend NetAudioAds is a solid online advertising solution.